Friday, January 31, 2020

Courtship Of Mr Lyon and Wolf Alice Comparison Essay Essay Example for Free

Courtship Of Mr Lyon and Wolf Alice Comparison Essay Essay Extract: The Courtship of Mr Lyon from the voice that seemed to issue from a care full of echoes to he went on all fours. Using this extract as your starting point and this reference to one other story of your choice, you should: -Explore Carters manipulation of language to develop the voice of the lion and the reaction of the girl to it. -Examine how Carter exploits the voices of her characters in both stories to comment on attitudes towards characters that are different. The Courtship of Mr Lyon loosely refers to the main storyline presented with the fairytale; The Beauty and The Beast. It is heavily feminine and throughout strives for the equality between men and women, despite their potential othernesss. Combined with Wolf Alice, loosely based on Lewis Carrolls: Alice through the Looking Glass, Carter uses a variety of linguistics and literary techniques in order to communicate a strong sense of voice to the reader. Developing this, then enables Carter to manipulate language to suggest the reactions and relationships between characters within both stories. Throughout the extract, Carter uses a third person omniscient narrative in order to create a sense of separation from events, potentially mimicking the attitudes of society. In general those who tend to stick out are ignored, abandoned and shunned. The use of this narrative choice enables readers to be faced with the reality of their actions and encourage them to change their views. Beauty exists within days of pastel-coloured idleness, a sense of boredom reinforced by the use of soft sounding constanants and open vowels. The choice of these lexis help to suggest details regarding Beautys persona, a passive character, innocent and submissive, unable to make her own decisions, reflecting historical context, many women were considered to occupy this role within Carters writing time. With, a kind of halo the Beast appears almost saintly, providing a distraction from Beautys monotonous existence. This also suggests the Beast is the authoritative figure within the relationship, Beauty possesses somewhat of awe towards him. However, the distinct lexical choice kind suggests the Beast is not entirely what he seems, his sense of otherness never able to leave him totally. The Beast appears to hold the position of authority between himself and Beauty; he was irradiated foregrounding the anaphoric references he, highlighting the importance the Beast possesses. A strong sense of the voice of the lion is created through the Beast forc(ing) himself to master his shyness revealing feelings the Beast possesses, through a internal third person narration. However, unlike Beauty, who is unable to defeat the small talk (that) turned to dust in her mouth, the Beast overcomes his sense of fear, yet again suggesting he is stronger than Beauty, a strong sense of character and voice created through repeated reinforcing of the character of the Beast. He can relate to Beauty, (gazing) at her with green, inscrutable eyes, he is able to understand that she needs to see herself different, shake off the societal constraints she has become conditioned to obey. Beauty is submissive, no longer shying away from the Beast, she has come to accept the Beasts otherness much more, and realises her potential, of which he has created. Beauty sees her face as if it were a bud, suggesting her potential, she needs to grow and mature, with her stark realisation; all he is doing is kissing my hands, reinforcing how far Beauty has already progressed, as at the start, she is afraid to acknowledge the Beasts existence. Earlier in the story, when Beauty first enters the Beasts castle, her father is attacked by the Beast, who shook him until his teeth rattled and yapped distractedly after. Although these actions are not that expected from a normal member of society, and suggest the Beast possesses very little humanity at that moment, the humorous nature of the phrases suggest that the Beast may not be as frightening as initially thought, hinting to the reader foreshadowing, already actions of the Beast are not all as they appear. The Beast sees the absolute sweetness of Beauty, an ambiguous syntactic parallel, suggesting to the reader that not only the Beast, but Beauty too possesses otherness, as her beauty, who looked as if she had been carved out of a single pearl hinders her development, she is treated as a possession, and has very little idea how to interact with humans alongside her in society. Within Wolf Alice, a third person restricted narrative is used to emphasise the central characters sense of otherness within the story. Described as a ragged girl, with a panting tongue that runs on all fours, Wolf Alice is introduced as different from the rest of the society. The voice of the narrator stating her pace is not our pace. The inclusive audience address of our perhaps suggesting, similar to within The Courtship Of Mr Lyon, that society wishes to separate themselves from people that appear different, or unique, a belief that Carter wishes to challenge, emphasised by the phrase; she was lonely enough. However, the repetition of the lexis pace may suggest similarities between Wolf Alice and the rest of society, even though different, there are similarities also, Wolf Alice is not entirely different. The Nuns, supposedly religious and accepting, poured water over her, poked her with sticks to rouse her. Evidently, these are against Wolf Alices otherness, containing within them the views of the entire society. However, Carter may also be using the Nuns as an alternative, additional message, that religion too is deteriorating. Throughout The Courtship of Mr Lyon, the idea of eyes is repeated frequently. A symbol of understanding and potential, as if her eyes the Beast is able to see the possibilities Beauty contains and wishes her to encourage her character to blossom. Earlier in the story, Beauty finds the Beasts bewildering difference from herself almost intolerable, she focuses only on the differences between themselves, and has a lack of understanding and appreciation. The progression Beauty has made in accepting others differences is highlighted as the stiff bristle of (the Beasts) muzzle graze on her lap, and Beauty does not retreat. Within the Beasts eyes, she saw herself repeated twice possibly showing Beautys realisation. She is now able to see how she is viewed by society, as well as the changes she has made herself. She is no longer shallow or possesses appearance-dominated beliefs. Beauty is amazed at how is was that she had never noticed before that his agate eyes were equipped with lids like those of a man, she has finally come to accept both her own and the Beasts otherness, and is content and comfortable with herself. It was no longer a lion in her arms but a man, concludes the main idea of the story, both Beauty and the Beast have found themselves and are comfortable, despite the reactions and isolation they experience from society. They are happy together and become one, the idea highlighted with the tense change of the last syntax, the present tense suggesting a continuation, suggesting this occurs in the present, and should continue, an idea which resonates within the readers mind. Finally, the Duke too, within Wolf Alice has differences and repulses society; his thin legs scabbed with old scars where thorns scored his pelt. Society too has hate for him, he is an outcast, much like Wolf Alice. Old scars suggest previous encounters with society, their macabre actions, wounding the Duke. Carter is challenging the reader, just because actions are completed by the masses, does it make them right? The Duke sees, nowhere a reflection of himself. He has retreated from society, he does not accept his character, further emphasised by his separation from society, living on his own in a gloomy mansion. Potential fear the villagers have towards the Duke is highlighted within the humorous euphemism lupine fiestas, perhaps suggesting that the readers do not want to accept responsibility for the actions they have performed which have driven the Duke to be so un-human. The repeated capitalisation of Duke also suggesting respect, if not fear, towards the strong, seemingly soulless character. If they had been accepting and nurturing, the Duke may have been able to blossom and progress, yet their harsh, judgemental actions have secluded the Duke, leading him to live a primal life, no conscious present. However, throughout the story, Wolf Alice grows and matures from a child to a woman, gradually developing human-like characteristics, such as the need for hygiene, looking for rags to sop the blood up. After meeting the Duke, Wolf Alice continues to progress and encourages the Duke to do so too. Finally, as if brought into being by her soft, moist, gentle tongue the face of the Duke appears in the mirror. The ideas of the story concluded, similar to The Courtship Of Mr Lyon, Wolf Alice and the Duke both accept their otherness, and encourage the other to do so. All are able to find happiness and live contently despite the views society may possess. Carter is suggesting that feminism does not mean a dominating sex, but equality between them, as each is equal within creation. In conclusion Carters use of literary and linguistic techniques successfully portray the sense of voice and the reactions of characters within both stories to the idea of otherness. Her final ideas are concluded well within both stories, creating a clear message which resonates and questions the reader, encouraging them to consider their actions within a modern-day society.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Classroom Management Plan :: essays research papers

Management Plan Attendance: You are expected to be at all rehearsals and all events. During band camp, attendance is extremely important because you will miss that day’s new material, and may have to be written out of the show. It is very difficult for new members to make up what they have missed. Any conflicts should be handled IMMEDIATELY! ALSO Since the band functions as a single unit and not a group of individuals, Band performances are diminished by even a single absence. Hence, you will be at ALL band rehearsals and performances. It is the responsibility of the student to notify one of the Directors IN ADVANCE with a note or a phone call from the parent or guardian. Each request will be evaluated individually. Forged Excuses will be referred to the Principal’s office for disciplinary action. Unexcused absences from rehearsals will result in dismissal or other punitive measures. This will be considered on a case by case basis by the Band Director. Travel: We travel to events together and we return together. If a parent wishes to make other arrangements, they must submit a written note to one of the Band Directors, IN ADVANCE. The only exception is at the conclusion of an event; the parent must make personal contact with one of the Directors to verify that they are in attendance and will take responsibility for their child. Otherwise, students will ride the bus. Driving yourself, traveling with a friend, non-immediate family member, boyfriend, girlfriend, or neighbor is unacceptable. When in doubt, ask a Director. Other Guidelines To Note: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bus conduct will be exemplary at all times. The bus driver’s instructions must be followed. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Only personal radios, tape, or CD players with headphones will be allowed. You must be seated at all times. Do not kneel or stand on the seats. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wear the correct designated clothing under your uniform. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The buses will be kept clean. All riders are responsible and no one may leave until it is clean. Uniform Care and Maintenance: Band uniforms typically cost $350 to replace. You are expected to return the uniform in the same condition it was issued. Replace all parts of the uniform neatly into the garment bag. In the Stands: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No one will play their instruments unless instructed to do so. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everyone will have their own music lyre with them. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Recently graduated band members may not distract, socialize, or sit with the band or color guard unless permitted by the band staff.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Accepted Arguments for Urban Walkability

Introduction The theodolite oriented development attack is being adopted by many metropoliss around the universe, peculiarly those contested with transforming their auto dependant vicinities into more habitable and sustainable developments. The simplest manner to depict the rules of TOD harmonizing to Calthorpe ( 1993 ) is â€Å"moderate and high denseness lodging, along with complementary public utilizations, occupations, retail and services, concentrated in assorted – used development at strategic points along the regional theodolite system† . Yet, much as connectivity to regional significance through theodolite is of import, it is the communities’ close interaction, supported by a walkable environment that Calthorpe claims is the â€Å"key aspect† of any booming TOD. Over the old ages, prosaic friendly design therefore generated considerable involvements and a important sum of literature and influential policy on urban walkability in TOD’s were developed in the Western world’s temperate urban zones. Soon, nevertheless, many of the world’s fastest developing urban countries are found in semitropical latitudes ( O’Hare,2006 ) . Western Australia, and peculiarly Perth, the urban Centre of the part is one such instance and serves as the focal point of this research. The paper explores the cardinal facets and physical qualities of built environment related to urban walkability with an purpose to promote farther treatment and surveies on how semitropical TOD’s can be designed to heighten prosaic motion every bit good as inquiry whether the orthodoxy of bing urban design rules require some changes to better accommodate to semitropical parts. The paper establishes the recognized statements and urban design rules indispensable to urban walkability and develops from a reappraisal of urban design & A ; sustainability, a model that would promote pedestrians’ motion and conveyance waiting in a semitropical TOD. A literature reappraisal is produced to corroborate the turning importance of walkability and finally the paper explores, through field observations, how the established urban walkability rules apply in the semitropical parts. It concludes by giving some recommendations that could be applied to Claremont town Centre for an improved prosaic friendly TOD. Accepted statements for urban walkability + Literature reappraisal Recognised as the oldest signifier of urban conveyance, walking is a manner of meeting and prosecuting with the local milieus and wider society in a mode non rather possible when following other agencies of conveyance, particularly centrifugal conveyance. Gehl & A ; Gemzoe ( 2003 ) , strongly highlight walking as a solution to breaking the public land as portion of the sweetening of the local vicinity and urban greening. With emerging concerns that auto dependent metropoliss will non be sustainable in the hereafter, due to energy costs, fuel handiness, congestion, pollution and other environmental impacts, much consciousness is being raised about the importance of walking. Harmonizing to US researches, surveies show that there is a 30 % more likeliness that compact-mixed usage development occupants would walk ( to a restaurant/park ) than those populating huge motor-oriented environments ( Cervero & A ; Radisch,1996 ) . Hodgson, Page, & A ; Tight ( 2004 ) besides conclude from their research that that TOD’s with appropriate design lead to more prosaic and transit trips ensuing in a diminution in non-motorised transit manners to cut down pollution emanations In concurrence to sustainability issues, the intra-generational equity theory and policy besides acknowledge that a major portion of the population constitutes of people who are highly immature, old, unhealthy, disabled or needy to hold entree or control over a private auto ( O’Hare,2006 ) . Recently, considerable involvement in improved walking environments has been generated as a consequence of the desire to promote nonmotorized transit manners to cut down pollution emanations and to better public wellness by increased degrees of walking ( Evans-Cowley, 2006 ) . A big organic structure of research has confirmed that a favourable walking environment is a necessary status for advancing walking and vicinity interaction ( Clifton, Smith, & A ; Rodriguez, 2007 ) . Public wellness The World Health Organisation ( WHO ) Charter on Transport, Environment and Health every bit good as the WHO Healthy Cities Program have recognised the prominence of urban walkability long before the urban design and planning Fieldss. The public wellness sector recognises that ‘active transport’ ( such as walking, including walking to the coach or train ) involves incidental physical activity. This incidental physical activity is an of import constituent of active life ( O’Hare 2000 ) . Active life, together with a healthy diet, has the possible to change by reversal current international tendencies towards sedentary life styles and the attach toing wellness hazards associated with fleshiness. Australia has been rated by different bureaus as one of the world’s top four states for fleshiness. Give that much of the world’s urban population growing is happening in the tropical and semitropical zones, it is of import to analyze urban walkability rules with peculiar attending to conditions in those non-temperate climatic zones. A Perth survey found commuters utilizing public conveyance accumulated seven times more exercising than private automobilists The prevalence of fleshiness in Australia has more than doubled in the last 20 old ages: 52 % of adult females, 67 % of work forces, and 25 % of kids are fleshy or corpulent. Urban walkability rules in Tod: Jacobs ( 1960 ) spelled out about half a century ago that urban design qualities associating to the quality of prosaic experience are indispensable to back up walkability. â€Å"Active frontages† and â€Å"eyes on the street† were recognised as few of the many important facets. Based on the best patterns from around the universe, 8 rules critical to making walkable TOD’s are identified in this paper. 1. WALK – Developing attractive prosaic environment ensures handiness and mobility for all. 2. PLACE-MAKING – Making a sense of topographic point makes encourages prosaic activity and liveability. 3. CONNECT – Making heavy webs of theodolite paths consequences in a high grade of connectivity. 4. TRANSIT – Locate land uses so that they are transit supportive and close to high quality conveyance. 5. MIX – Planning for assorted usage will advance prosaic involvement, safety, 24 hr activity. 6. DENSIFY – Sufficient denseness and compact signifier make theodolite feasible and improve walkability. 7. COMPACT – Planing for compact countries with short commutes improves efficiency. 8. Switch – Controling the amount/location of parking additions mobility. It is nevertheless of import to understand that although listed separately, for a development to go genuinely transit oriented, we must be able to film over the boundary between these rules so that they are all interconnected Urban design theory and pattern guidelines for walkable topographic points were largely developed in metropoliss located in the temperate climatic zone. In the semitropicss, summer is the season of uncomfortableness for Walkers, whereas in temperate metropoliss it is the winter that brings uncomfortableness to urban walkers. The coastal semitropical metropolis lacks the icy winds, snow, sleet, hoar, and other winter uncomfortablenesss of the temperate metropolis. The pleasant winter prosaic conditions of the semitropical metropolis are offset, nevertheless, by the summer challenges of heat, humidness and blaze. The following subdivision of this paper explores the demand for an ‘intemperate’ attack to accomplishing urban walkability in the semitropical metropolis Urban walkability in semitropical TODs – Model It is of import to understand that in the fast turning semitropical urban parts of the universe, clime and local topography are influential elements associated with walkability. Traveling at a slower gait, walkers are prone to detect many more perceptible inside informations and are exposed to the environing elements and climatic factors. Protection from Sun, rain, humidness or heat must hence be taken into history when be aftering a prosaic environment. Pulling on research and maintaining in head the factors associated with semitropical urban parts, a model of urban design rules is developed as schemes that would outdo enhance prosaic motion or waiting in semitropical TOD’s. The cardinal factors to doing walking appealing are grouped in three major classs: SAFETY, ACTVITY AND COMFORT. Figure 1 – Framework Venn diagram, 2014. Figure 2 – A balanced street has ample pavements, comfy motorcycle installations that connect to a web, and safe ways to traverse streets, doing active transit possible even on larger roads. Image by EMBARQ. Stimulating walking necessitates that these travelers can travel about efficiency, comfortably, and most significantly, safely. Physical design schemes that could be implemented in the ‘Safety, Activity, Comfort’ model are discussed below: Safety: 1. Guaranting wider pavement can supply for easy prosaic motion and at the same clip advance commercial activity/interaction 2. Removing physical or sensed barriers to guarantee that the walker has level and obstruction free set of pavement – â€Å"pedestrian zone† 3. Supplying prosaic oriented quality illuming that illuminated their waies will add to the walker’s sense of safety 4. Responsive walk marks at traversing visible radiations designed with better timing and automatic changing to prioritize the demands of walkers, raised intersections, mini traffic circles or velocity bulges will promote safe motion. Activity: 1. Well-connected streets guarantee that occupants can conveniently entree all parts of the TOD, therefore triping the street usage. 2. Developing mixed-use street active frontages promote safety, security and Foster vibrant societal life in the streets. 3. Attractive infinites with edifice orientation to the public street, ocular involvements, constructing articulation and landscaping encourage walkers to garner and linger 4. Way happening aids/proper signage must be implemented to assist people orient themselves and promote motion through unfastened public countries. 5.Transit Stationss should be activated by cafe/newspapers bases or other installations to do conveyance waiting wothwhile Comfort: 1. The usage of shelters in prosaic and transit areas/stops allows for uncomfortableness decrease and provides remainder for walkers. 2. Provision of pathway sunshades, arcades, and other conditions protection at least at certain intervals will function as shelter from Sun or showers. 3. Supplying a high grade of street comfortss ( benches, refuse tins, imbibing fountains ) and resting topographic points will rise the image of the street and pull all demographics to comfortably linger. 4. Equally good as supplying a solution to the heat & A ; humidness, street trees shade and protect walkers from the rain. John walkers can besides be protected from autos when verdure is carefully designed along kerb. 5. Sidewalk with a width proportional to the graduated table of the TOD country and planned walkability degree ensures comfy walking experiences for everyone. Case surveies Subiaco City and Claremont Town Centre, selected as instance surveies for this paper are recent both theodolite oriented countries developed in Perth part with a railroad line go throughing through. The survey country boundaries for each include the country within an 800-metre radius environing the train station. Subiaco metropolis -Subiaco, known as Subi is a historic inner western suburb located around 3kms from Perth CBD and is focussed around a lively retail strip of Rockeby route. The Subi Centro undertaking embracing the North and West of the Subiaco railroad station began in 1994 and incorporated many new homes, concern Centres and commercial infinite. An of import facet was the undergrounding of the railroad line which in the yesteryear divided Subiaco. As an example of urban regeneration back uping its heritage context, the undertaking achieves a high quality public kingdom. Claremont Town – Claremont Town Centre, another western suburb finds itself midway of Perth CBD and Fremantle port on the north bank of Swan River. Claremont Town Centre is a important shopping country concentrated around St Quentin’s Avenue/Bay View Terrace and located South of the Claremont train station. The Claremont North East Precinct undertaking is an ongoing undertaking started in 2005 as an enterprise to revitalize the Northern portion of the town which is presently disconnected from the southern portion. It aspires a vivacious mixed used development around the Claremont football ellipse as a measure towards societal, economic and environmental sustainability. The intent of this study, being to measure and heighten the quality of prosaic environment, 3 methods is used to garner information: 1. Ped-shed analysis is conducted at a 400m radius ( 5 min walk ) and an 800m radius ( 10 min- walk ) 2. SAFETY-ACTIVITY- COMFORT appraisal sheet is used to rate physical micro – attributes of the built environment on the streets. 3. Experimental analysis of the site – pictures/personal experience DATA ANALYSIS The information collected from these were used to measure to what degree the factors discussed in the model and considered influential to walkability are either present or missing in these two survey countries. Pedshed ratio Analysis of the connectivity of both TODs was assessed through the ped-shed ratios calculated. A comparing of the two diagrams that Subiaco’s street grid web provides many waies and affiliated streets, promoting them to walk and be within short walking distance of the train station. Claremont on the other manus, lacks this grade of prosaic connectivity and offers limited path pick to the individual walking. After analyzing the connectivity of each site, visuals were gathered from field observations to compare one to another. The Safety-Activity-Comfort assessment sheet was so used to analyze and rate each class. Key findings As seen from the evaluation, Subiaco metropolis stands out footings of supplying certain positive physical street elements that affect walkability. Observation from field analysis showed that street frontages on streets next to the train station were rather lively and extremely articulated. Seating countries, illuming, verdures and shaded musca volitanss contributed to pulling prosaic activity in the country. It was gathered from observations and research that Subiaco’s success as a prosaic friendly vicinity was besides due to the fact that the City of Subiaco Councillors had established a vision statement of â€Å"The Best Main Street Village in Australia† for the country. Rockeby street, in this respect, was developed as a topographic point to come back to alternatively of merely being a theodolite street and development tendencies, chances and alterations were carefully thought of so as the area’s alone ‘sense of place’ was preserved. Famously advocated by Toderian ( 2014 ) as â€Å"streets that are for people to bask and linger, non merely travel through..places that are both ab initio attractive and ‘sticky’ , ask foring people to love it and non desire to go forth it† , positive thoughts of gluey street construct seems to hold been successfully adopted in planing Subiaco’s chief street. With the aim of be aftering non mere ly for the substructure and public conveyance, but besides the stores, coffeehouse and the people, Rockeby Street has flourished as iconic community hub of societal, civic and commercial activity with public infinites as focal points. On the downside nevertheless, field observations besides indicated a figure of vacant stores or those in the procedure of shuting down in Rockeby route retail strip. High rental rates, competition from nearby precinct and over restrictive licensing policies has caused a diminution in cafe/retail strips and a 5 % retail vacancy rate in the country ( Tsagalis2012 ) . It was besides found that an alfresco dining license in Subiaco was more expensive than Western Australia’s norm and compared to a study of local authoritiess in Perth and the eastern provinces ( Law, 2014 ) .Mayor Henderson ( 2014 ) has approached this issue saying that â€Å"We are cognizant that council needs to step up to the home base and do some alterations in order to make the plangency in the chief street in Subiaco† . In an attempt to promote more local concerns to run street trading/ alfresco dining countries to revitalize a spirited street and safe environment for the community, the council of the City of Subiaco has late resolved to amend bing associated fees. As of 31st October 2014, a noteworthy decrease in application/licensing fees, a m2 footing fee and the induction of low-priced short term options will be available for Subiaco retail merchants and it an addition in street activity is expected. While Claremont Town Centre signifiers portion of a outstanding retail country, it comes chiefly in the signifier of indoor promenades which attract the walkers inside instead than being on the route. The chief theodolite next route, Grugeri Street, has a space wall facade with limited or no prosaic activity. The street is besides really limited in term of comfort since the sunshades size is excessively little to supply shadiness or shelter. Bus tops and street comfortss besides lack assortment and sweetening to pull people to linger. Recommendations Apparent from the experimental audit and findings is that Claremont Town Centre has many physical failings in footings of walkability in a semitropical Tod. Because similar failings may be other western Australian TOD’s, some recommendations may use for multiple sites and can be used as a usher for enhanced walking experiences. It was revealed from the site observations and findings of these 2 TOD’s in Perth that there is some manner to travel before Western Australia can claim to hold a truly sustainable attack. Having established that urban walkability is critical to accomplish a sustainable semitropical TOD, it is of import for TOD contrivers to be able to follow a revised model of rules sing the physical environment attributes that would work best for semitropical Perth parts and unify them with new advanced design schemes which would farther heighten walking in Perth. It is besides of import for town/city contrivers to reexamine regulations and ordinances in order to increase plangency in TOD’s instead than being over restrictive. Decision Having established that a successful TOD walkability is straight associated with a safe, comfy and attractive prosaic environment, this paper demonstrates that careful physical planning and good urban design solutions can really much enhance the pedestrian’s experience. It inquiries the demands of a semitropical metropolis in term of its clime, topography and individuality and so explores a model of revised walkability rules that can be applied to the semitropical metropolis. The instance surveies reveal responses and challenges to urban design for walkability in Perth and certain successful elements are recommended as schemes to better Claremont’s TOD in footings of walking experience. It besides inquiries whether over restrictive be aftering policies may necessitate to be reconsidered to maintain a TOD street alive and vivacious. It besides recommends advanced schemes of urban design that other undertakings may copy or accommodate in portion for design and place-making attacks to give a alone sense of topographic point to the semitropical TOD. Although each hereafter TOD will cover with the legion complex design challenges depending on peculiar fortunes around each undertaking, it is the purpose of this paper to excite treatment and hopefully more significant research into the planning of walkable semitropical metropoliss since so many of the world’s most quickly turning urban countries are now situated in the tropical and semitropical zones.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Essay on Juvenile Justice - 1506 Words

Portfolio on Juvenile Status Offenders A juvenile status offender is a youth charged with an offense that is not consider a crime if committed by an adult; this would include but not limited to running away from home, curfew violations, underage drinking, skipping school, or beyond a parents control. Status offenders are usually not incarcerated on their first offense, but violating a court order can find them as delinquent who can result in being place in a correction or detention facility. Juvenile crime statistics are gathered from local law enforcement agencies by the FBI in order to better understand the nature and extent of juvenile crimes in the United States. Juvenile crime statistics reflect arrest information and do not†¦show more content†¦Many factors to look for would be: hyperactivity concentration problems restlessness risk takers aggressiveness antisocial behavior deviant behavior academic failure truancy 10.parent separation 11.poor family bonding 12.mistreatment at home Correction and Detention Facilities Juvenile detention facilities are design to house youths in the juvenile justice system awaiting court decisions such as a dispositional hearing, probation, confinement or community service. Juveniles can also be sent to a detention facility by court order, this is usually for a short period of time. Juveniles are put in detention facilities under court order, if they cannot be sent home, or to prevent them from harming themselves or other (The Contemporary Juvenile Justice System). Correction programs are establish to guide juveniles in the right direction through community interaction, family counseling, recreational and proctor programs, alternative schools, foster homes, employment training and treatment for delinquent behavior. Probation officers also provide community resources to the juvenile such as vocational rehabilitation centers, vocational schools, mental health services,Show MoreRelatedJuveniles And The Juvenile Justice System1559 Words   |  7 PagesJuveniles committing crimes is not a new issued being introduced to society; actually, it has been an issue for centuries. However, the big question is, should juveniles be tried in adult courts? Before answering, take into consideration every possible scenario that could have led them to commit the crime. For instance, were they the leader in the act? Did they participate in the crime? Was the juvenile even aware of what was taking place? Were they peer pressured? Did they have any other choiceRead MoreJuvenile Justice And Juvenile Delinquency1675 Words   |  7 PagesJuvenile Justice has been a work in progress from the beginning of the program because of the evolving mentality of the generations. The purpose of Juvenile Justice was to correct the behavior of the juvenile delinquents and rehabilitation through a probationary period monitored by an individual who paid for bail and periodically reported behavior changes to courts. (Mulligan 2009) We do justice to the youth offenders by understanding the history of Juvenile Justice restorative programs, the alternativesRead MoreThe Juvenile Justice System For Juveniles1397 Words   |  6 Pageswere treated the same as adult criminals. If you are a young person under the age of 18 and you commit a crime, you will have your case heard in the juvenile justice system. The thing is that, it hasn’t always gone that way. 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Law enforcementRead MoreThe Juvenile Justice System1313 Words   |  6 Pages Today s concept of the juvenile justice system is relatively new due to significant modifications in policy overtime. The justice system has been trying to figure out effective ways to treat juvenile criminal offenders successfully for years. The justice system did not always have a special category for juveniles and their crime. Juveniles was once treated as adults when they committed crimes and were subjected to harsh punishments. The juvenile court was the culmination of efforts of the positivistRead MoreJuvenile Justice Systems833 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Juvenile crime is a term around the world that is difficult to pinpoint and although there are several definitions many fail to be concrete. There are many factors that play into sentencing juveniles or minors upon a crime committed. How old are they? Can they mentally form criminal intent? Are they old enough to no longer be treated as children? Some people would argue that a criminal is just that, regardless of age. Research on the other hand shows that juveniles have underdevelopedRead MoreThe Juvenile Justice System788 Words   |  3 Pages The juvenile justice system was founded with the goal to serve the best interests of the child, with an understanding that youth possessed different needs than adults. Over the course of our semester we have come across various research studies that proves that the adult system is not well equipped to house and rehabilitate the delinquents. These studies have shown that more juveniles that are transferred to the criminal justice system ends up back in the system, which means the recidivism rateRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency And The Juvenile Justice System1299 Words   |  6 Pagesdedicated his life to troubled juveniles once said, â€Å"I believe that the kids who are labeled â€Å"good† are children who know how to solve their problems and manage their behavior and social life, and the kids who are labeled â€Å"bad† are kids who don’t know how to solve those problems.† Every day, kids are committing illegal acts of varying severity. Some are involved in petty robberies, others involved in murders and rape. These juveniles become the responsibility of the juvenile justice system which is taskedRead MoreJuvenile Justice and Rehabilitation2500 Words   |  10 PagesJuvenile Justice and Rehabilitation When discussing rehabilitation or punishment for juvenile delinquents, I believe there should be rehabilitation over punishment. Granted there are numerous cases that completely warrant punishment, but punishment isn’t always the answer. Adults are usually given second, third and fourth chances to change their lives. And sometimes rehabilitation isn’t involved. I believe since adolescents still have plenty of time to get counseling or learn about themselvesRead More Juvenile Justice Essay881 Words   |  4 Pages Juvenile Justice nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Juvenile Justice System as it typically functions in Americas thousands of jurisdictions is the subject that will be covered. The Juvenile Justice System is defined as that quot;sociolegal process having responsibility and authority for public reaction to current juvenile delinquency and deterrence of future juvenile delinquency, including within that process the public and private agents, agencies, laws, rules, and policies having to do with